'A school family where everyone thrives in every way.' Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10
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Monks Risborough CE Primary School

Spring 1 - Who helps us in our community?

This half term we are learning about people (and animals) who help us in our community.


Week 1: Animals who help us - including visit from a hearing dog.

Week 2: Busy little mechanic - different kinds of vehicles past and present - making. vehicle with moving wheels.

Week 3: Topsy and Tim go to the dentist- learning how to take care of our teeth - healthy eating.

Week 4: Topsy and Tim go to the doctor - doctors, nurses, paramedics

Week 5: I want to be a police officer / Charlie the firefighter

Week 6: Jo Jo and Gran gran have a haircut - hairdressers

Hairdressers- anyone need a haircut? 👩‍🎤

Visit from the Police


Still image for this video

Chinese new year

Making our vehicles with moving wheels

We love building!

Adding one more - making staircases

Visit from the hearing dogs
