Welcome to Hawks class!
This is the place to find out all about this academic year in Hawks. We have an exciting range of topics to learn about this year and some interesting activities planned!
Who are we?
This year, we are very fortunate to have a number of staff supporting us in Hawks class to help us grow and achieve our full potential.
Miss Goodright is the teacher in Hawks class. Mrs Trott is our HLTA who teaches when Miss Goodright has PPA time. Mrs De and Mr Munir also support in Hawks.
This Week's Learning
w/c 19th June
This week we enjoyed identifying different literary devices from our class text Pompeii. We worked in groups to do this.
Our maths topic is currently angles, so we spent some time outside the classroom identifying different angles.
We have been participating in Water Safety Week and enjoyed a session at Risborough Springs with Natalie and Anabel in our 'PJs' learning life saving skills - it was awesome fun and we learnt how to remain safe around water!
This Week's Learning
w/c 8th May
This week have enjoyed our Wednesday swimming and continued to study all about decimals; this week we have been partitioning them and comparing them. Hawks have excelled at this! In English, we are writing our own versions of 'The Promise', our class reader at the moment. The children have been enjoying using figurative language to describe the setting.
We have also set up our science investigations into what flowering plants need to survive.
This Week's Learning
24th April 2023
This week has been jam-packed with activities; from investigating nets and building our own, to swimming at Risborough Springs and carrying out a 'conscience alley' in English to investigate a dilemma!
This week's learning
w.c. 17th April
This week we have been learning about decimals in maths, and in English we have started reading our new book 'The Promise' and we made predictions about what would happen. In music we used scrap paper to create a soundtrack to paper being made - from tree to mill!
This Week's Learning
Mon 27th - Friday 31st March 2023
This week we enjoyed a trip to the church to practise for the Easter service that we are leading and also our usual swimming trip to Risborough Springs Leisure Centre on Wednesday. WE have all made huge progress at swimming and enjoyed a fun session for all our hard work the past few weeks.
In RE this week we had a debate about whether believers should give things up for their faith. This linked with our topic of Lent.
Hawks Geography Trip to Princes Risborough
March 24th 2023
Today, Hawks class went on a field trip around Princes Risborough to consolidate our learning in geography. We looked at different land use including commercial areas, residential areas, industrial and agricultural, and walked 8km (according to Mrs Trott's magical watch!) We enjoyed a train ride from Princes Risborough to Monks Risborough and ate lunch in Wades Field, where we dried off after a somewhat soggy morning's walk!
This week's Learning in Hawks
w/c 13th March
This week has been a week of fraction fun in maths, analysing poetry in English and learning the vocabulary for clothes in French!
In RE we acted out Jesus' experience of temptation with the devil in the wilderness.
This Week's Learning - 6th March
We have had great fun this week, learning about fractions and also writing alternative poems to describe a city.
In RE, we made a 'conscience alley' to understand temptation and how it relates to the Christian season of Lent.
This Week's Learning w/c 23rd January
This week we have been learning division in maths and practising part whole methods of calculation.
In English, we have continued our versions of 'A Lion in Paris'.
French has been fun - we have started creating our own weather reports!
This week's learning
w/c 16th January 2023
This week we have been drafting our stories based on 'A Lion in Paris'. We wrote a list of success criteria and have begun writing.
In maths, we have been focusing on multiplication - informal and formal methods of calculation. The children have enjoyed the challenge of the reasoning and problem solving tasks that we have set and will be moving on to focus on division later next week.
In RE we are focusing on pilgrimage; in particular, Christian pilgrimages. This week we watched examples of pilgrimages made in different religions and looked at similarities and differences.
In PE, we focused on football skills and played 'Ice Monsters' and 'Ghostbusters'
In science, we investigated whether all metals are magnetic or not!
This Week's Learning
w/c 5.12.22
In English, we have been editing and completing our traditional tales, based on 'Cinderella of the Nile'.
We also learnt about Egyptian gods and godesses and designed and created Egyptian collars for our Egyptian Day next Monday.
In maths, we have been practising tackling tricky worded problems and working on learning our multiplication tables.
This week's learning
This week we have been writing our diary entries for Rhodopis from Cinderella of the Nile and practising our x9, x11 and x12 tables to help us solve tricky worded problems.
This Week's Learning
We retold the story of Ganesh through drama
Mrs De taught us about Murtis in Hinduism
Shared Writing - Letter to Philippe Petit
Book a telephone conversation by calling the School Office on: 01844 345590
Email us regarding learning using: homelearning@monks.org.uk
Email us about anything else via the School Office: office@monks.org.uk with the subject as FAO Hawks Class.