'A school family where everyone thrives in every way.' Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10
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Monks Risborough CE Primary School

School Worship

Collective Worship 

Monks enjoys strong links with the local church and our RE teaching follows the Diocesan scheme of work from the Oxford Diocesan Trust.
We believe that RE develops in pupils a sense of community and belonging. It helps the children to grow, share, understand and respectfully challenge, and be challenged by, people of different lifestyles, beliefs and practices.


The whole school joins together in the hall each day after lunch for collective worship.  Each worship focusses on a different theme and is led by a different adult.

Monday - Miss Robinson - Inspirational people and values

Tuesday - Rvd Peter Godden - Bible story

Wednesday - Class teachers lead - Values / Monks Mindset Heroes / Hymn Practise

Thursday - Class teachers lead - British values and events

Friday - Strive to Thrive Celebration Worship


The values discussed in worship are then followed up in lesson time as children think about how they can reflect this value in their behaviour. Our subsequent worships for the week follow this school value too. 

Monks Version of 1 Corinthians 13

This is what it means to love each other at Monks Risborough School:

Be kind to each other – especially when someone else needs
more time to do a task or more help to understand something.

Do not make out that you’re better than other people;
and don’t be jealous of people who are good at something –
        we all have our own gifts.

Think of others, and treat them as you would like them to treat you.
Try not to get cross with people.

Everyone does things that are unkind or wrong from time to time,
so when someone says sorry to you:
forgive them, truly, and move on.

Enjoy the good things in life, and be honest.
When things are challenging, try to keep positive.
If you all love each other, you will be able to trust each other,
to stay hopeful, and to persevere with anything that comes along.

Children's Prayers

The following prayers have been written by our school children during our daily worship time:
Christian Value: Respect
Christian Value: Friendship

Christian Value: Thankfulness
Christian Value: Respect
Christian Value: Generosity
Christian Value: Perseverance
Christian Value: Love