'A school family where everyone thrives in every way.' Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10
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Monks Risborough CE Primary School

Reading at Monks!


The opportunities, organisation and provision for the teaching and learning of reading are as follows:

Learning to read

Through EYFS and KS1 children are taught to read, following Ruth Miskin's Read Write Inc programme. This progresses into KS2 for some pupils, using Fast Track tutoring to aid them. Comprehension skills are taught through whole class texts and guided reading sessions.

Independent Reading

Children have a variety of opportunities to read silently during specific times within class. Each class visits the school library to provide an opportunity to change their books on a fortnightly basis. They record their reading in a Reading Record book.


Phonics is taught through Read Write Inc and is taught daily to all children in EYFS and KS1, and where necessary in KS2.

Reading to Children and Hearing Children Read

Teachers read class novels and model reading for pleasure. It is important that children enjoy reading and also have the opportunity to experience books from classic and modern classic authors. Teachers, teaching assistants and volunteers regularly hear children read, sharing books with the children.

Reading Buddies

Children from KS2 pair throughout the year with children from Early Years and KS1 to hear them read and share enjoyment of texts.

Reading Interventions

A range of interventions are used to ensure that all children leave Monks Risborough CE Primary School as fluent readers.

Communication with Parents

Each child has a reading record book which logs the books which they have read and comments on their reading. Parents and teaching staff write in this book. Children are encouraged to read at home every day and reading records are checked in school to see that this has occurred.


RED TED stands for Read Every Day, Talk Every Day. We expect children to read at home with an adult at least 3-5 times a week depending on their age, to help them develop and practice their reading skills. Children will only ever be sent home with books that are matched to their current phonic ability.  Once children have become confident, fluent readers, they will come off of the RWI reading scheme and become a 'free reader' and choose books from the class book trolley.

How can my child earn rewards?

Children can earn rewards by reading at home. This can be with an adult or independently – it just needs to be written in their reading record, which should already be in school every day. This is not expected to be a whole book, but around 5-10 minutes of reading depending on the age of your child. Children need to show the adults in their class their reading record (adults may ask them questions about the book to check!) and once they have completed 10 reads, they will receive their very first reward! They can earn up to five reads in a school week - that’s one read a day!

What are the rewards?

  • 10 reads = A RED TED sticker (You will receive a sticker for each multiple of ten reads you collect)
  • 100 reads = A trip to the Head teacher's office to choose a book from her special RED TED library
  • 200 reads = A book and a RED TED badge
  • 300 reads = A book and a RED TED wristband
  • 400 reads = A book and a RED TED teddy
  • 500 reads = A visit to the Office to choose a book on the computer
  • 600, 700, 800, 900 reads = A £5.00 book token
  • 1000 reads = mystery prize!
  • For every 100 reads after 1000 reads, children will continue to be rewarded with a choice of book.

Ask Mrs Horton if you have any more questions!

Need a new book to read and not sure what?

Use this link from the Book Trust (a very reliable resource) to help you find a book for your age/topic. We hope you enjoy the recommendations and happy reading!

Book Trust Website

Missing or Lost Books
The school has spent a lot of money on the Read Write Inc books and Trolley books and we want them to be well looked after so they last for a number of years. We understand that accidents do happen, and sometimes books are lost, but we need to replace each damaged or lost book.
In such circumstances, please inform your class teacher about the name of the book which has been lost/damaged and we can send you the link to the book that needs to be replaced. This can be done either through Amazon or the Oxford University Press website. Books average at £5 each.

Thanks for supporting the school and helping us keep our resources high quality for all pupils.
