This term we will be settling in to school and learning what it takes to be a good friend.
Our learning each week is based around a book which follows the theme of the half termly topic.
This term the books will be:
First 2 days and Week 1: Harry and the dinosaurs go to school
Weeks 2: Where the wild things are
Week 3and 4: The Little Red Hen (Harvest)
Week 5: Elmer
Week 6: Kippers birthday
Set 1 RWI sounds we will learn:
Week 1 - m a s d t
Week 2 - i n p g o
Week 3 - c k ck u
Week 4 - b r e f h
Week 5 - l j v y w
Week 6 - z x q qu
Week 7 - sh th ch
Arts Week 2023
Arts week this year has been based around black history month and celebrating difference.
Our artist this week was Alma Thomas who is an African American artist who uses a pointillism technique with paint and collage. We used her ideas to create our own pictures.
We also sewed hand puppets based on someone we know and learned about lots of different musical instruments by watching YolanDa Brown and her band jammers.