Our lead subject is Geography for our Amazing Africa topic this half term, where we study the continent of Africa and more specifically the country of Kenya. We are aiming to answer the question 'Are we more generous the less we have?' by the end of our learning journey.
You may like to buy the books we are studying throughout this topic to read in class. These are ...
Weeks 1 - 4
Over the past few weeks we have loved learning about the continent of Africa and more specifically the country of Kenya through our key text 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'. We have been working really hard on our descriptive writing, using our senses to 'show' the reader and not just 'tell' them. We have been planning out our own version of the story using our phonics knowledge and key phrases from the original text. When we have finished writing these we can't wait to share them with Year 1 children.
In Maths, we have been working on our place value. We have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones and also using a number line to support our counting.
Our science learning has been all about 'Living things and their habitats'. We have used the acronym MRS GREN to help us identify if something is living.
In Geography we have managed to locate Africa and Kenya on a map and also had a look at the weather and climate there - seems perfect for a summer holiday to us!
RE has focused on leaders and answering the question 'Who should you follow?' We have identified some leader in our lives and thought about the characteristics of these people. We have also been thinking about rewards and consequences in our PSHE lessons.
Weeks 5 - 7
In science we have looked in more depth at habitats and have been looking at microhabitats. We went on a hunt for woodlice in the school grounds but decided our experiment was not very successful as it was not wet enough! We are going to redo the experiment in January to see if we get different results based on the changing weather.
We began our addition and subtraction learning in Maths - recapping some of our learning from Year 1. We have recalled our number bonds to 10 and remembered how to simplify adding by making 10 first.
We finished off our African English learning by writing fact files about some of the 'Big 5' and then adding to the story of the Ugly Five by writing our own poetry. We loved thinking about the appearance and the movements of the their bodies.