Welcome To Kestrel's Class!
Home Learning - Week Commencing 16th March
Hi Kestrels,
Our learning this week is:
Maths - we are learning all about measurement! In class, we have been measuring and comparing the length and height of objects around the classroom in metres, cm and mm. Please have a look at BBC Bitesize:
This website will help you to understand the metric system used to measure length. We have uploaded different resources for you try to do at home.
English - Persuasive writing. We have written persuasive letters to the MP expressing our concerns about deforestation of the rainforest. We have been looking at David Attenborough and admired how he informs everyone about animals, their habitats and the changes to their environment. He persuades people to take care of our planet in a really positive way.
We watched the following video:
We have attached a planning sheet we used to help you plan your ideas for your script.
Guided Reading - We have been reading 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.
We are currently reading chapter 4; we will upload a scanned copy of the book for you as soon as possible. In the meantime, this can be purchased from Amazon, if you wish to do so.
Science - We have been learning about animals and their habitats.
Watch this video about food chains:
Can you create a food chain with pictures and labels?
Use the links on this webpage to help you:
Computing - Spreadsheets.
We collected data from our class using a tally chart. Using a spreadsheet program on Purple Mash, we created a table of data on a spreadsheet and made charts and graphs.
The task I have set for you to do on Purple Mash is 'to use the ‘more than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equals’ tools to compare different numbers and help to work out solutions to calculations.'
The instructions for you to follow are here:
Welcome to our webpage on our Monks Risborough School's website!
Here you can find out a wide variety of information, such as what your child has been learning about, teacher topic overviews for the term and even pictures and videos of our high quality learning. Use the links above to find out some important information - alternatively, scroll down our page and see the latest news!
We hope you enjoy looking at our page!