Our lead subject is Science for our All About Me topic this half term. We look more closely at ourselves physically as humans as well as what makes us all special and unique as individuals. We are aiming to answer the question 'Why should I be thankful for being me?' by the end of our learning journey.
We will also be learning the Nativity story to help us understand the Christmas season and will be practising our own nativity performance to share with you all!
We have been exploring the Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar within our book this half term, Super Duper You!
We have loved December! Amongst our Twinkly Nativity rehearsals and performances, we learned all about shape in Maths and had a great time making games and showing our learning in different ways. After a term of learning about self-portraits, Brianna McCarthy and using different media to create self-portraits inspired by her, we used clay to carefully sculpt our faces! We then had to choose appropriate paint colours to make these self-portraits as life-like as possible. Do you like them?!
This month we have explored addition and subtraction in Maths, using vocabularly like more, less, greater and fewer. We have started our Place Value of Grammar and Punctuation and now know what a noun is, including common nouns and proper nouns. We have loved learning about the human body and our senses. We walked to Whiteleaf and explored what we could see, hear, smell and touch. We tasted our snack at the top of Whiteleaf hill whilst looking at human and physical features in our local area. We also celebrate Inter-Faith week and learned what different faiths and non-faiths do to practise charity. Mrs Gehnich (Mrs Horton's Mummy!) came from Age UK Bucks to talk about how it doesn't matter what religion you are, everyone needs a friend. The befriending service enables the elderly to have someone to visit them for a cup of tea! It was nice to hear what a charity does.