'A school family where everyone thrives in every way.' Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10
School Logo

Monks Risborough CE Primary School

2 Kites

Welcome.  This term our focus topic is Geography based and we will be looking at the area around us, Monks Risborough and  Princes Risborough.  During our adventures, we will all be participating in two local walks, creating maps from natural objects, as well as designing and creating our own maps.  We will discussing what the differences is between a human and physical feature and exploring and investigating to see if we can find these elements of Geography on our walks.  We will learn how to walk safely and become aware of the traffic, houses, people and the environment around us.


In Science we will be looking at Living Things and their habitats, again focusing on the area that surround our school and exploring the life cycle of animals, with a particular focus on Butterflies.  Look out for those caterpillars arrive very soon!


Mrs Shea and the Year 2 team.

Knowledge Organiser - Topic - Princes Risborough
