Hello and welcome to the Robins page!
This is our Robins page where you will find information about what being in Reception entails, evidence of the amazing learning we do inside (and outside!) our classroom and how to get in touch with staff with any questions you may have.
Our teachers are Mrs Hirst and Mrs Chadwick-Cooper. Miss Stafford-Evans, Miss Locke & Miss Turner are our Teaching Assistants.
You can contact us through the Office or email homelearning@monks.org.uk with the subject as FAO Mrs Hirst/Mrs Chadwick-Cooper.
Home learning 18th February 2022
Good morning everyone
In case you cannot access Tapestry for any reason here are a few activities for your children to complete today whilst the school is closed. You can complete as many as you are able.
Revise the letters and sound
(2 letters one sound - “special friends”)
Phonics reading lesson –
Phonics spelling lesson -
Log on to Purple Mash and try some of the activities. If you make a picture and save it in your tray then Mrs Hirst will be able to see it! (log in stuck in front of reading record book)
Take part in this Cosmic kids yoga lesson about a penguin who had to invent something to help him fly.
Watch the story for this week again: Violet the pilot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp6p-Yf426Q
Draw a picture of a flying machine you would like to invent, Use your imagination! Write some labels for the invention and then write about how it works and what it does.
Watch this short video about how music can paint pictures in our minds: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/bring-the-noise/thunder-jam-weather/zk6pxyc Then, listen to 'Spring' from Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons' and encourage your child to draw a picture of what the music sounds like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-dYNttdgl0 Spring isn't too far away now!
Reading books are on line for the week using the login in your reading record book.
Stay safe everyone and have a lovely half term
Robins team x
As promised in the parents meeting, here is the Phonics video to help you pronounce the sounds correctly when helping your child.
Useful links.
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