'A school family where everyone thrives in every way.' Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10
School Logo

Monks Risborough CE Primary School

5 Falcons

WELCOME! smiley

Welcome to Falcons Class! 


This is the place to find out all about this academic year in Falcons. We have an exciting range of topics to learn and some really interesting, fun activities planned! 


Who are We? 

This year, we are very fortunate to have a number of staff supporting in Falcons, to help us grow and achieve our full potential. 

Miss Goodright is the main class teacher in Falcons, Mrs Naish, Mrs De, Mr Walsh and Mr Munir are also supporting. Mrs Thomas will be leading lessons when Miss Goodright has PPA on a Thursday afternoon. 



Useful resources:

Meet the Teacher Powerpoint

New Timetable for Spring 1

This Week's Learning w/c 24th June 


STEM week has been a great success thus far and the children have started the plan and design stage of the process of making their javelins. The children learnt about aerodynamics and all about The Olympic Games. They enjoyed researching different Olympian javelin throwers and began planning for a factfile. 

This Week's Learning w/c 17th June 


The children have worked so hard this week, enjoying the science topic and learning about how humans age and the changes that happen to us. The children discussed myths and facts around old age and watched a video clip of Johanna Quass - 97 year old gymnast who still performs incredible routines! 

In English, the children have been continuing their work on natural disasters and survivors. Maths has been a great success this week - the children have extended their understanding of decimals and how to add and subtract.

This Week's Learning w/c 29th April 24 

This week has been full of space! The children learnt the vocabulary for the planets in French, researched the planets and also learnt the order of the planets in music through a fun song - see link below! 

Planet Song

In maths, the children are learning how to use protractors to measure angles, and I am extremely impressed by their aptitude for accuracy! 

In English, the children completed their adverts for astronauts and they have now begun to develop an understanding of one of the main characters in the class reader, Hidden Figures, in order to be able to write an informal letter from the character. The children enjoyed delving into formal and informal language; we

had an in-class competition to choose the best formal antonym for a range of words; it was a close-run thing between the adults and children! 



This Week's Learning - w/c 25th March 

We had a fabulous week, starting with our whole school celebration of the Hindu festival of Holi. Mrs De brought in mehendi and the children designed patterns for their hands. The children learned the story behind the festival and re-enacted it in the classroom. We all joined in with the colour run in the afternoon, which was a fun event. 

This week's maths has been challenging - calculating area in rectangles and compound shapes, but the children have shown resilience and produced some super work. 

In English, the children have been finalising their playscripts. 

In science and DT, Falcons made pizzas and checked to ensure their box designs were effective and functional. 

This Week's Photos w/c 25th March

This Week's Learning w/c 4th March 

Book Week!

The children have had a fabulous week thus far, acting out the class reader, Journey, by Aaron Becker, designing a unique airship and working hard to understand some tricky grammatical terminology. Tomorrow marks 'build day' when the children will realise their airships! (pics to follow!) 

This Week's Learning w/c 26th February 

We have enjoyed a busy week in Falcons; finishing our class reader - Romeo and Juliet, learning about the relationship between decimals and fractions and ordering events in the Battle of Bosworth! 


Photos of our Learning w/c 26th February

This Week's Learning w/c 19th February 

We hope you all enjoyed a relaxing half term after the busy last few weeks of the spring term. 

The children have come back to school with a bang and have enjoyed many practical tasks, including a hook lesson in English, to introduce them to their new topic of Tudors and Shakespeare (in which we made potions) and a science lesson in which they separated mixtures! 

Please find below, some photos of our fun first week back! 

Photos of our first week back after half term - w/c/ 19th February

This Week's Learning - w/c 15th January 

We have had a fab week so far - the children have been working super hard at our formal multiplication method, multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers and problem solving. I have been incredibly impressed with all the children. Their attitude has been very positive and they have shown perseverance towards their challenges. 

In our English work, the children have continued the story of The River Singers and begun working on their poetry plans.  

In art, the children began to experiment with colour in their impressionist pictures and created backgrounds based on Monet's 'Houses of Parliament'. 

This Week's Learning w.c. 8th January 

This week Falcons Class has been very busy, learning about poetry and the different poetic devices that poets employ to create interesting, thought provoking pieces. Falcons Class has completed the topic of fractions and begun the spring term topic of multiplication and division. 

In art, the children enjoyed researching impressionism and experimented with the use of light in their sketches. 

In RE, the children were enthused by the topic of Islam and its beginnings. They learnt that there are 99 different words for Allah. 

PE was fun! The children learned how to create counter balances and used different parts of their bodies to form interesting balances that they held for at least 4 seconds! 

Materials and their Properties is our topic this half term and the children began the unit of work by reviewing their existing knowledge and thinking about adjectives to describe different properties. They also considered why particular materials are used in the production of different products. 

Our Week in Pictures


I hope you all enjoyed a restful and fun Christmas and New Year :) 


The children returned to school today and were enthusiastic towards their learning. We began our new class reader 'The River Singers' and learnt about water voles, the characters in the book. In maths, we are coming to the end of our topic on fractions and the children impressed me by demonstrating how much they could remember! 


New Timetable for Spring 1 w/c 8th January 2024

This Week's Learning w/c 27th November 2023


Falcons Class has been busy this week, completing instructions on 'How to Capture a Viking Monster' in English, following directions to find locations around the school during our orienteering sessions and also carrying out practical investigations into air resistance using parachutes made from bin liners! We have worked collaboratively in many of our lessons this week; to good effect - learning that team work makes tasks simpler and more enjoyable!

Air Resistance Investigation w/c 27th November

Viking Brooches w/c 27th November

Orienteering w/c 27th November

This week's Learning w/c 20th November 


This week we have begun to consider our 'big question' in RE - 'What makes a good life?' and begun to consider what philosophy is and who the Great Thinkers of Ancient Greece were and what they taught us. 

We have been finding equivalent fractions in maths and beginning to draft an instruction text for anyone who might like to catch a Viking monster! 

Last week, during our games session, we started the new topic of orienteering and used outdoor play resources to create 'face maps'. 


RE Wednesday 22nd November - Organising our ingredients for living a 'good life'

This week's learning w.c. 6th November 2023 


This week has been full of fun maths learning! We have studied prime and composite numbers, square numbers and cube numbers and all managed to achieve the objectives in class! 

In English we have been writing diary entries based on our class reader, Beowulf. We finished the first story in the Beowulf book and enjoyed hearing about Beowulf prevailing over the evil monster Grendel! 

This Week's Learning w.c. 31st October 2023


We have started the autumn term with a flourish in Falcons, practising for Young Voices in music, getting to grips with factors in maths and ending the week with a Viking Day, in which we were fully immersed in Viking life! We learnt how the Vikings lit their homes, made our own candles, learnt how to weave, learnt how they made food and even had the opportunity to be archaeologists for the afternoon, digging for artefacts and brushing away the mud carefully to reveal treasures which we made educated guesses about. 

Viking Day!

This Week's Learning (w/c 16th October) 


This week Falcons have enjoyed learning about the incredible Minnie Evans and delving into her life and her artwork. We have researched her background and her inspiration and created collage in her style. We have listened to black composers and learnt all about Black History Month. Later this week we will be creating some large pieces using a variety of medium to demonstrate our knowledge of Minnie's style. 

ART WEEK - Black History Month

This Week's Learning in Falcons (w.c. 25th September) 


What a fun-packed, learning-filled week we have had already! Monday was full with more rounding enormous numbers to a million, Bike-ability for some members of the class and lots of fabulous grammar activities and games for those us of who didn't attend the cycling training. On Tuesday the whole school enjoyed European Day of Languages, during which we got to learn Spanish phrases, understand more about Portugal and its culture, learn the days of the week in Arabic and the colours in German. Mr Walsh even taught us how to write in Korean! 

Photos from w.c. 25th September

This Week's Learning in Falcons! (w.c. 18th Sept) 


This week we have enjoyed a busy time in class (and outside class!) We continued our maths work on place value and extended our knowledge of rounding to much larger numbers - 1 million! 

In English we have continued our drafts and planning for our setting description, using photographs as a stimulus. Falcons enjoyed choosing powerful adjectives and used thesaurus to create pictures in the readers' heads. 

In music this week, we enjoyed composition work - attempting to create sounds to represent different lessons. These were filmed and will hopefully be available to view soon (see below). 

In French this week, Miss G brought in French breakfast items and taught us to express our preference for breakfast foods. Perhaps you could test the children's knowledge of vocabulary at home! smiley

This Week's Learning (w.c. 11th September) 


This week Falcons enjoyed further place value lessons in maths and demonstrated their brilliant understanding! Staff were all very impressed with their focus and determination to order very tricky numbers up to a million! 

In English this week, Falcons continued to read Charlotte's Web and made well educated suggestions as to how the story may end. No spoilers please, parents/carers! smiley

In swimming this week, the children were able to showcase all that they had remembered from last term, and in some cases, were able to demonstrate new skills that they had practised and developed during the summer holidays. 

In science, the children showed developing understanding of how plants reproduce, and in doing so, tackling some very tricky scientific vocabulary! 


This Week's Learning in Falcons! (w.c. 4th September) 


We returned to school with vigour and enthusiasm and have enjoyed two very busy days packed with learning and fun. The children appear refreshed and keen and Falcons staff are suitably impressed. Today, we enjoyed our 'hook' lesson in English. We started reading 'Charlotte's Web' and created our own webs collaboratively on the field. It was an excellent opportunity for the children to practise and demonstrate their ability to work as a team. See above for some of our creations! 




