Welcome to Spring 2!
I am writing this after welcoming your children back into the classroom today and it was a lovely day! We have continued our learning on forces, looking specifically at air resistance. Year 5 demonstrated the values of teamwork and perseverance to create parachutes of different sizes and enjoyed dropping them from the same heights in order to investigate the difference of surface area.
We are looking forward to continuing our learning this term, exploring more forces in action for Science and improving our understanding of North America in Topic. Our English and Whole Class Reading lessons for this term will be based upon 'The Twenty-One Balloons', which we have already started to read and enjoy in class! We will also be revisiting and building on our fractions knowledge along with converting different units of lengths in Maths. It's going to be a fab few weeks until Easter!
Investigating Friction
We are continuing our investigations into forces this term - this time with friction! We discussed how we could measure the force of friction, and how the key words of 'rough' and 'smooth' affect the movement. Whilst carrying out the investigation, we also considered how we could make our investigation a fair test, and how we could find averages from repeated tests to identify anomalies.
We also thought about where we might find friction in our everyday lives, and whether it is positive or negative!