Our lead subject is Geography for our Buckinghamshire/Aylesbury topic this half term, where we learning to identify counties in the United Kingdom, particularly the ones that surround Buckinghamshire.
During our studies we will look at the importance of the landscape that we live in - rivers in Buckinghamshire and important land marks and hills (Coombe Hill). Our science will link to our landscape topic - where we will take a closer look at plants and flowers and how they grow in our beautiful surrounding countryside. We are aiming to answer the question, 'How can we be responsible in our wider community?'
We will be studying local author Roald Dahl with particular focus on his book The BFG. We will be visiting Great Missenden, during our school trip, a place that gave Dahl much of his inspiration for his books.
You may like to buy them a copy of The BFG, so they have a copy of your own but please don't read them until we have looked at them in school first... we don't want you to ruin any surprises!
This Week is Kestrels w/c 9th December
This week we have been very busy practising for the church service, learning our x8 table using Adele's 'Rolling in the Deep' and preparing our Snozzcumber recipes for publishing our class cookbook!
In science, we have been learning about seed dispersal and on Friday, we made our own sycamore seed 'helicopters' to demonstrate how seeds are transported away from the parent plant.
This Week in Kestrels w/c 4th November
We have been very busy already this week, making woolly mammoths and beginning to draft our instruction texts!
Maths has been busy - the children have worked hard to master formal column subtraction with an exchange!
Welcome Back!
Welcome back after the half term break. This term we will be focusing on Aylesbury in our lead topic of geography, and flowering plants in science. We look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Tuesday!