'A school family where everyone thrives in every way.' Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10
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Monks Risborough CE Primary School

4 Hawks

Class 4

Welcome to Class 4 - Hawks. 
Hawks are known for being intelligent, sharp-eyed and great team players so the name is apt for our class!

We have an exciting and busy term ahead of us. I will be using this page to keep you up to date with news and pictures of our great learning experiences.


Mr Hultman


Home Learning W/c 16 March

Hi Hawks, 

Our home learning this week: 


Maths - we are learning all about decimals! In class we have been looking at decimals and fractions. 




English - Persuasive writing. We have been writing a persuasive script in the style of Sir David Attenborough. We have thought carefully about deforestation and observed how Sir David Attenborough speaks when he is presenting.


We watched the following videos:


How deforestation in Madagascar is threatening animal habitats | Geography – Deadly Dilemmas - YouTube 


Deforestation in Madagascar - Attenborough and The Giant Egg, Preview - BBC Two - YouTube


We are working in pairs to write a script, in the style of David Attenborough, about deforestation using emotive and persuasive language.



Guided reading


In guided reading we have been reading the Explorer by Katherine Rundell 


Story and questions will follow shortly.

Reading Challenge


Just a reminder, the only "homework" I set across the Christmas holiday was to read and keep a written record of anything you have read (Title, author and genre).


See you on Tuesday 7th January.


Mr Hultman

12th December


Today in class we have been experimenting with creating an electrical circuit powered by fruit! We used potatoes, apples, limes, lemons and oranges. 

Science - Fruit batteries



CGP homework books will be going out on Friday this week (29/11/19). In order to get us back into our regular routine, this homework is due in on Monday. As this is a much shorter time than normal, please encourage the children to complete as much as they can but I recognise that they only have 2 days not a week to complete this.


Homework will be set on a Tuesday due back in the following Monday going forwards.



Homework CGP Books






Page 44 and 45
Standard Page 44 and 45
Stretch Page 44 and 45


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling


Capital letters and Full stops


Page 40 and 41
Standard Page 36 and 37
Stretch Page 34 and 35

Year 4 - Cardioid's


At the end of term we created some Cardioid patterns as a test of our multiplication and ruler skills!


These are amazing - well done!







Hi Hawks, 


Sorry that the school is not open today. I have planned some work to keep you busy. 


Maths - Addition and subtraction.

Maths - Multiplication and division.

English/Geography - Ancient Greek geography.


Hopefully see you all on Wednesday.


Mr Hultman

Autumn 1 Topic Web
