Happy New Year! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and are ready for our learning in 2024.
Our lead subject is History for our 'Exploring Far and Wide!' topic this half term, where we study significant people from the past who had explored and discovered newt things. We are aiming to answer the question 'Does an explorer make a good friend?' by the end of our learning journey.
This half term we are delighted to welcome Miss Greaves who is a trainee teacher in our classroom. We hope that she feels very welcome in Red Kites class and at Monks Risborough and we look forward to helping her learn lots!
You may like to buy the books we are studying throughout this topic to read in class. These are ...
In our English learning we have been diving into our Oliver and The Seawigs book. There is some brilliant description in this story and we have been using this to visualise some pages where illustrator hasn't drawn any pictures.
Our knowledge of adjectives and descriptive writing has also helped us to write about meteor showers inspired by our Look Up story.
In maths this half term our learning is all about Multiplication and Division. We are focusing on retrieving our knowledge of our 2, 5 and 10 times table from Year 1 as well as beginning to look at our 3 times table too!
Our science learning is all about habitats and how animals are suited to the environment that they live in. We are hoping that we can build on our knowledge of living things from our Autumn 1 unit of work.