White Rose Maths - 11.5.20
Following the link online will tell you that you have to contact the school! We have bought these resources - you should receive a weekly email sharing these resources with you. If you don't, please contact homelearning@monks.org.uk.
Many thanks,
Miss Gehnich
Week commencing 27th April -
Hi lovely Year 2 Parents and children,
I hope it wasn't too much of a shock to the system after a restful break for the Easter holidays this week. This weeks White Rose Maths is all about comparing length. You can use this website https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/ to find the activities and answer on there.
You can also complete the Maths pack on our learning page if this suits your child better.
I look forward to seeing some of the work you complete in an e-mail to: homelearning@monks.org.uk and I will reply to what you have done. Good luck!
Miss Gehnich
Week Commencing 23rd and 30th March (Weeks 1 and 2)
Hi Kites,
Our maths this week continues to be all about Fractions! Please see the uploaded White Rose Scheme of Learning for this week's objectives.
Please go to the following website:
On here you will find a video and a worksheet for each objective that you need to achieve this week.