This term our focus topic is Geography based and we will be looking at the area around us, Monks Risborough and Princes Risborough. During our adventures, we will all be participating in two local walks, creating maps from natural objects, as well as designing and creating our own maps. We will discussing what the differences is between a human and physical feature and exploring and investigating to see if we can find these elements of Geography on our walks. We will learn how to walk safely and become aware of the traffic, houses, people and the environment around us.
In Science we will be looking at Living Things and their habitats, again focusing on the area that surround our school and exploring the life cycle of animals, with a particular focus on Butterflies. Look out for those caterpillars arrive very soon!
Well what a busy start to the term. The children have settled into Year 2 well and now happily come into class to complete their SODA (start of the day activities) challenges create interesting shapes from their playdough (fine motor skills).
We have had our first class Geography Field Trip to Monks Risborough (see photos) and have enjoyed a great deal of outdoor learning in our Enchanced Provision, where children learn and explore their newly adapted skills through play and exploration. (see photos)
As one half term finishes and another one approaches, here is an update of all the exciting things children have been learning about in Year 2 this term. The year 2 team are very proud of their progress and are excited to see what Autumn 2 has in store for each child's learning journey.
We have now finished our journey into the structure of sentences, the children are now confident with nouns, verbs, subjects and capital letters and full stops. I am looking forward to seeing their knowledge in our first piece of writing after half term.
We have finished our topic of 'place value' and the children have really enjoyed completing much of their learning outside during our 'maths exploring' in each lesson. This part of the lesson always helps to embed our learning objective for the day and when you collect your children I am sure you will see evidence of this on the tarmac !
Princes Risborough (Geography)
What a fabulous topic! The children have been on two field trips out of the classroom, one to Monks Risborough and one to Princes Risborough. On our second visit we were lucky enough to visit the library and the Baptist Church Hall, for a much needed rest and snack. Our knowledge of our local area has improved and the children are now able to discuss physical and human features of geography.
This term we have looked at Animals (including humans). The children have been curious to watch our caterpillars develop over time and then fly away on their next adventures as beautiful butterflies. Alongside the life cycle of a butterfly we have looked at humans and we change from babies to adults. This topic will continue into Autumn 2 as there is still so much to learn !
Art Week
I cannot finish this update without mentioning the last week of term. The children create amazing pictures inspired by Finnish artist Paavos Stenius. The pictures were 3D, with the addition of Moomin characters and beautiful flowers, designed by Mrs. Fountain. I hope these pictures are brightening up your homes. I will share some photographs on here for everyone to see how high the standard was.