'A school family where everyone thrives in every way.' Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10
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Monks Risborough CE Primary School

Flying High

What are we learning about this half term?

This half term our main topic is entitled 'Flying High.' With a focus on history, we are going to learn all flight, including the very first flight and how they compare to today. We will be visiting the Shuttleworth Collection to look at lots of different aeroplanes.

Thinking about our value of perseverance, we are going to answer the question, 'Which aviators showed perseverance?'


We are going to focus on two fantastic texts this term: Emma Jane's Aeroplane by Katie Haworth and Amelia Earhart (Little People, Big Dreams) by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara. 


In Maths, we are learning about place value for numbers up to 50, looking carefully at the value each of the digits represents. We will first explore this with concrete objects such as Dienes (base 10) and Numicon before applying our understanding to pictures and numbers. We'll also be learning to write these numbers as words.


Our Science learning is all about different materials - we will link this to Art thinking about which material would be best to make a kite and why!
