'A school family where everyone thrives in every way.' Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’ John 10:10
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Monks Risborough CE Primary School

Year 1 Visit to Shuttleworth Collection

Year 1 are doing a topic about planes so went to visit the Shuttlworth Collection.  Shuttleworth is a big museum that has old vehicles from the past.  We went on a coach, when we arrived we met our guides and then we went to where we were leaving our lunches.  We started with the Red Plane – it won race from England to Africa it took two people they were really brave and flew over the Atlantic Ocean.  Then we looked at the time line of planes from the first plane the Wright Brothers made  to now, Mr McKinnon pretended to be one of the Wright Brothers with a piece of paper that look like a moustache.  Next we saw a Spitfire which was used in the Battle of Britain, I loved it, it was really cool.


By Max & Aurora Year 1
