During lockdown the school was great with many interesting lessons, though we really missed being in school. It kept us both busy. We used Google Classroom which was good as we could post our work and the teachers were able to send back private messages to us with comments and support for our learning, it was really helpful.. We had live Zoom lessons every day and we really enjoyed the lessons as well as being able to see some of our classmates and our teacher. It has been a great 2 days back in school. It has been wonderful being in with our friends so we can chat and play together (socially distanced of course!). We started our current topic whilst in lockdown at home so it is nice to be able to carry on with this learning now we are back in school. We are excited that the footpath has been moved whilst we were away, we are looking forward to this project being finished so that we are able to use the field more and run from the playground to the field!! Though we did lots of learning whilst we were away from the school and our teachers made sure we carried on with all the different subjects, I think we all agree that we prefer to be in school! We are looking forward to more fun and learning now we are back!
By Caty and Archie (Eagle Class)